Are you considering a VHIS private healthcare policy?

If you're a resident of Hong Kong you may want to consider the benefits of a Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) policy.

With VHIS, you gain comprehensive coverage, ensuring financial security in unforeseen medical situations such as hospitalisation and surgeries. The scheme allows you to supplement public healthcare, offering quicker access to treatments and the flexibility to choose private healthcare providers that suit your preferences.

Lifetime renewal ensures continuous coverage as you age, providing long-term peace of mind. Moreover, VHIS may offer tax deductions, offering a financial incentive to prioritise your health.

In a dynamic healthcare landscape like Hong Kong's, a VHIS policy is a personalised and beneficial investment, tailored to meet your specific healthcare needs and provide security for the future.

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What are the key benefits of a VHIS policy?

VHIS policies offer numerous advantages for Hong Kong residents. Here are the top five benefits that make a VHIS policy a valuable investment; ensuring comprehensive and personalised healthcare coverage.

Comprehensive Coverage

VHIS policies are designed to offer comprehensive coverage, including hospitalisation, surgical procedures, and other medical expenses. This can provide policyholders with a higher level of protection and financial security in the event of unexpected medical emergencies.

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Supplementing Public Healthcare Services

While Hong Kong has a robust public healthcare system, it may be overloaded at times. VHIS allows residents to access private healthcare services, reducing waiting times and potentially providing quicker access to medical treatments and services.

Choice of Healthcare Providers

VHIS policies often provide flexibility in choosing healthcare providers, including private hospitals and clinics. This flexibility can be appealing to individuals who prefer a specific doctor or medical facility for their healthcare needs.

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Tax Deductions

VHIS policyholders may be eligible for tax deductions under the Inland Revenue Ordinance. This serves as a financial incentive for residents to invest in a VHIS policy, as they can enjoy tax benefits while ensuring adequate health coverage.

Continuity of Coverage

VHIS policies typically offer lifetime renewal, ensuring that individuals can maintain coverage even as they age. This feature provides long-term peace of mind, knowing that health insurance will be available when needed, especially during the later stages of life when healthcare needs may increase.

Standard Certified or Flexi Plans?

Standardised plans are generally cheaper and more affordable but they come with some limitations. Flexi plans offer more choice and customisable features.
Where a standard plan will provide essential, standardised coverage for hospitalisation and surgeries, a flexi plan might provide customisable coverage with optional benefits and riders.
A standard plan may or may not offer deductibles and co-insurance but a flexi plan will likely have options for lower or no deductibles and co-insurance, offering more comprehensive coverage.
Maximum benefit limits will be set as per regulatory requirements for standard plans whereas flexi plans can offer higher limits or additional coverage options, providing more extensive choices.

Are you ready to make your VHIS enquiry?

No problem. We can connect you to expert help and advice today. Just click this button and complete our quick and easy form.

Working with leading healthcare providers

Our partners have established and longstanding relationships with leading Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) providers in Hong Kong, including renowned brands such as Bupa, Cigna, AXA, and FWD.
By working closely with these and other insurance providers, they can offer you a comprehensive and panoramic view of the VHIS market.
Each healthcare provider has its own unique strengths, ensuring a diverse range of VHIS policies that cater to various healthcare needs and preferences.
Bupa, with its global expertise, provides extensive coverage and a commitment to personalised healthcare. Cigna is known for its innovative solutions and customer-centric approach. AXA, a prominent player, offers reliable VHIS policies with a focus on customer well-being. FWD brings a fresh perspective, combining flexibility and comprehensive coverage.
Our partners have very strong relationships with these VHIS providers allowing you to make informed decisions, guiding you toward policies that align with your individual requirements, and ultimately fostering a healthier and more secure future.

Why choose us?

At Vivonis, we recognise the concerns individuals may face when seeking health insurance in Hong Kong. It can feel daunting to navigate the complexities of the healthcare market alone.

Our partners empathise with your needs, and they understand that a VHIS policy goes beyond mere coverage—it's about securing your health, well-being, and peace of mind.

Partnering with leading experts in VHIS, they operate under the strict regulations of Hong Kong's authorities, ensuring your protection.

There's no obligation when you enquire about a VHIS policy with us.

Your privacy and information security are our top priorities.

Start your enquiry…

To start your VHIS policy enquiry, simply complete our straightforward form and click 'Submit'.

Everyone deserves access to reliable, affordable health insurance. Complete our form today, click 'Submit,' and take advantage of some expert assistance in your search for a happier, healthier, more secure future.

A dedicated VHIS policy advisor will reach out to you, typically within minutes. They'll listen to your health coverage needs and concerns, discuss your policy options, and guide you through the application process.